Moss & Gilmore obtains $4.2 Million for Client in FCA Whistleblower Lawsuit Alleging Kick-Back Arrangements and Leads to Indictment and Conviction of Former Georgia Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine for Health Care Fraud and Money Laundering

ATLANTA, Georgia (May 24, 2022)

John Oxendine was indicted on May 17, 2022 on charges that he conspired to commit health care fraud. This indictment is the fourth prosecution of the fraud uncovered and brought to light by Moss & Gilmore client Dr. Myron Jones’ qui tam action, with the prior three prosecutions resulting in a $3 million settlement against Dr. Gallups, a $1.2 million settlement against Entellus, and Dr. Gallups’ guilty plea for criminal health care fraud. Oxendine pleaded guilty to related health care fraud in March 2024.

Moss & Gilmore Press Release

DOJ Press Release

Law360 News Article

AJC News Article

DOJ Press Release - Former Georgia Ins. Commissioner John Oxendine charged with health care fraud and money laundering scheme